★ 12月11日(水)~13日(金) 個人懇談会を行います。
よろしくお願いいたします。 6年生学活 GWTグループワークエクササイズをやりました。
6th grade class activities: We did a GWT group work exercise.
Cut out letters from the newspaper to complete the sentences on the assignment sheet.
After the activity, many people said, ``I wish I had done it this way.''
6年生書写 書写作品コンクール「秋の星座」を清書しました。
I made a fair copy of the 6th grade calligraphy competition "Autumn Constellations".
There was a child who was writing with very good posture.Posture is important.
5年生家庭科 今日は耐熱ガラス調理鍋でご飯を炊いて、三角おにぎりを作りました。
5th Grade Home Economics: Today we cooked rice in a heat-resistant glass cooking pot and made triangular rice balls.
I was able to clearly see how the rice was cooked.
6年生体育 体育館ではソフトバレーボールをやっていました。
6th grade physical education: Students were playing soft volleyball in the gym.
The fun part of volleyball is connecting passes and attacking.
The pre-match greetings were also done well.
2年生体育 「体づくりの運動」
2nd grade physical education: "Physical training"
Jump with both feet in good rhythm, and then take off with one foot for a long jump at the end.
Everyone worked together to clean up the tools.